Thursday, 30 May 2013

May Favourites - Beauty and Ipad Apps!

Hello my lovelies!
I can't believe it is the end of the month already! That means my exams are round the corner - ahhhhhh stressfuuuulll!
This is the reason why I haven't been doing much on my blog, plus my main focus is my YouTube but after my exams everything will be changing!
I'll have time to upload more videos (I'm considering a video every 2-3 days instead of once a week!) and I've took some photos to do some blog posts soon - I'll most probably write these up tonight!

Anywayyys, onto my favourites! I only have a handful this month and most things are paired up with another favourite, but it just shows that I've been super duper loving them haha!
If you have any of the apps I've spoke about then let me know and I'll add you as a friend, ohhh and my instagram is LuceStephenson nice and simple ey :)

Hope you enjoy the video! Don't forget to let me know what you think as well as what YOUR may favourites are!

Remember, honesty is key.



  1. The Bioderma sounds like such a great product and the Blush seems really nice. Great Video!

    1. It's so amazing! I'd definitely recommend it! Thanks lovely!! xx

  2. Love the look of the blush and I love my iPad too xx

    1. Gorgeous isn't it! I honestly don't know what I'd do without my ipad haha :) xx

  3. Oh man, I've been beyond addicted to the simpsons tapped out lol xD


    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Just can't help myself! xx


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