Wednesday 26 June 2013

GFC move along.. Bloglovin is here!

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Hey lovelies!
Various rumours have been going around saying how GFC - Google Friend Connect (something like that haha) is going and personally this doesn't bother me as I never look at the blogs I follow through that. Ever since discovering bloglovin I've never looked back, it's sooo much easier and less time consuming to just flick through the posts I've missed and comment on people's blogs. I personally don't like the app for my ipad as it doesn't show how pretty some people's blogs are and that's especially annoying when someone has took time and effort to make it look appealing to the eye! But moving onwards haha...

If you follow me on GFC because twice the amount of people follow me on there compared to bloglovin... please follow me on bloglovin so we don't lose our amazing connection ;)

Here is a link to follow me!

PWEASE do follow me and send me your bloglovin links below so I can follow you because I read EVERY SINGLE POST on bloglovin unlike the 0 posts I read from GFC! 


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