Friday 6 June 2014

5 videos missed? What's happened?!

Hey lovelies,
So it's 00:52 Friday morning, I start work at 7 (the joys) and I'm sat looking through my blog and have came to the realisation that I've managed to miss sharing 5 YouTube videos with you guys. God knows how this has happened, but for those who aren't subscribed to me (well, why aren't you?!) then the next 5 blog posts are going to be just for you and will be the 5 videos that you've unfortunately missed out on. 

So when you see, for example, 'April Favourites' blog post in your 'To Read List' then don't fret, Bloglovin hasn't messed up and I'm not crazy, I just haven't updated my blog with videos I've been uploading; hope you don't mind! Life's been super hectic, who knew Uni could take up so much of your time and energy?! 

Thank god that's out the way now though, bring on more YouTube videos and Blog posts, I'm also hoping to do some collabs so any YouTubers or BBloggers who may be interested then just pop a comment below or email me - - as I have a lot of time on my hands now - hurray!

I best get myself to bed, Goodnight or Good Morning depending upon where you are, much love and thank you for sticking by me! I've recently hit over 400 followers on my blog and I'm over the moon!

Don't forget to let me know if you'd like to collab!


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