Tuesday 19 March 2019


Hey guys!! OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'VE HIT ANOTHER MILESTONE - to celebrate I've came back with a HUGE MAKEUP GIVEAWAY to brighten up March 2019, and of course, there are 2 winners!!! Don't forget to read all the rules below and enter my beauty giveaway!

1) Follow me on Instagram @lucestephenson - www.instagram.com/lucestephenson
2) Subscribe to my YouTube channel - www.youtube.com/lucestephenson
3) Turn on notifications for my channel
4) Like this video!
5) Leave a comment on the video telling me something about yourself, or ask me a question, or leave an assumption, or leave a video idea, the possibilities are endless!! You can comment AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE, and EACH VALID COMMENT = 1 ENTRY 
If you don't complete all five, your entry won't be valid. If you are under the age of 16, please get parental permission as I will need your address to send your prize to you. 
WINNER will be chosen at random and contacted in the comments below, please respond within 7 days of me replying to your comment otherwise I will re-pick! 
Giveaway ends in 2 weeks time on Wednesday 27th March 2019. 

**Some of the links used may be affiliate links, which basically means I get a small amount of profit if you purchase through them at no additional cost to you.**


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